

美国残疾人法案(ADA)办公室监督RTD遵守ADA第二章和第三章的情况, 它禁止基于残疾的歧视,并要求RTD使该机构的公共交通系统对残疾人无障碍. The ADA Office manages the reasonable modification process; monitors agency services and 项目 to safeguard compliance with federal standards; investigates ADA-related complaints; and provides guidance on policies, 程序, and strategies to protect the civil rights of people with disabilities.


Please submit your complaint to RTD Customer Care by completing RTD的投诉表格 或打电话 303-299-6000 [TTY:拨711]. 请务必告知您的投诉是否与您的残疾有关,并提供足够的事实证明您的投诉与您的残疾有关. You will receive an automatic acknowledgment of receipt within three business days, 提供了一个电子邮件地址.

Under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), RTD必须使其服务和项目对残疾人无障碍,并遵守《冰球突破豪华版试玩》. This procedure satisfies RTD’s obligation to provide a grievance procedure under Title II. 如果您觉得由于可访问性问题而无法访问RTD的程序或服务, or have been discriminated against based on your disability, 您可以向RTD客户服务中心提交ADA投诉. RTD Customer Care is the point of contact for all RTD comments and complaints.

任何认为自己因残疾而受到RTD歧视的人都可以向《冰球突破豪华版试玩》投诉, 向RTD客户服务中心投诉.


RTD will take the appropriate steps to ensure that communication with applicants, 参与者, 和公众残障人士是有效的. RTD应在必要时提供适当的辅助帮助和服务,以使残疾人有平等的机会参与RTD计划和服务.


If you cannot access the information contained within a document due to its format. RTD will take the appropriate steps to ensure communication with applicants, 参与者, 和公众残障人士是有效的. RTD应在必要时提供适当的辅助帮助和服务,以使残疾人有平等的机会参与RTD计划和服务.

帮助RTD以最有帮助的方式回应, 请包括您的可访问性问题的性质, 您希望接收材料的格式, 所请求材料的网页地址, 也是联系你的最佳方式. 请联系 加布·克里斯蒂,ADA经理, with your request and allow a minimum three business-day notice for arrangements to be made.


In accordance with the ADA and directives from the Federal Transit Administration, RTD会努力的, 尽最大可能, 确保残障人士有机会使用, 并从中获益, RTD服务. RTD将对其政策进行合理修改, 项目, 以及适用于运输服务的程序, when necessary to avoid discrimination and ensure accessibility for people with disabilities.

请注意:RTD可能无法满足要求从根本上改变RTD方案或服务性质或直接影响他人健康和安全的请求. 如果请求的修改不能被批准, 但进入的障碍仍然存在, RTD will do its best to provide alternate access to our 项目 or services.

If you experience a barrier to accessing an RTD program or service, 您可以提出合理修改的请求. A reasonable modification should be requested when our policies, 项目, 适用于我们交通服务的程序不允许残疾人士享受我们服务的好处. The request must identify the modification needed to use the service. 只要切实可行, 请提前提出要求, 修改前需要访问该服务. 在《冰球突破豪华版试玩》的范围内, 合理的修改, 如果RTD拒绝请求,它将尽一切努力, 尽最大可能, 确保残障人士有机会使用, 并从中获益, 它的服务.

To request reasonable modifications based on a disability please use the 合理修改要求表格,或联系RTD的ADA办公室寻求帮助. 电话: 303-299-2250 或电子邮件: (电子邮件保护).

Here is what you should expect when you submit an advance reasonable modification request with RTD:

  • RTD将迅速彻底地审核您的请求.
  • 请至少等待五(5)至七(7)个工作日收到有关您合理修改请求的回复.
  • 如果需要任何额外的文件,或者如果有关于您合理修改请求的更新,RTD工作人员将与您联系.


所有RTD车辆, 包括免费购物中心, 免费MetroRide, 访问——骑, 通勤铁路, 轻轨车辆有自动语音, 显示广播系统, 并配有轮椅等辅助工具, 电动摩托车, 步行者, 拐杖, 和拐杖. Bus and rail operators are trained to assist customers with disabilities with boarding, 保护他们的设备, 找座位, 然后下车. 虽然应该向所有客户提供担保,但这不是必需的,客户可以自行决定拒绝担保.

RTD尊重所有合理的协助请求. 这些可能包括(但不限于):

  • Kneeling the bus, deploying ramps or bridge plates to board or exit vehicles
  • 为导航站提供指示
  • 协助寻找座位
  • 根据要求保护移动设备
  • Providing assistance about fares and some routing information
  • 当乘客无法到达或无法将车票放入投币箱时,协助将钱放入投币箱

通勤铁路车辆设有轮椅通道,每辆车门均设有平登,每辆车上均设有指定的移动设备座位区. 安全不是必需的,也不是辅助的. The designated mobility device area is adjacent to every door on every rail car. 如果指定区域已满, 请离开有轨电车车厢,进入另一门前往另一门区域. The operator stays in the cab and will not assist with boarding/deboarding the vehicle. 车上的运输安全主任(TSO)可以提供帮助,但不需要协助乘客使用移动设备, 推着婴儿车登机的乘客, 和/或大件物品.

RTD employees will never ask about the nature of your disability. 没有明显残疾的人没有义务分享这些信息来使用无障碍设备或功能.

自动停止通知协助有视觉和听觉障碍的客户, our buses and rail vehicles are equipped with an automated voice and display announcement system. 客户看数字显示有困难, hearing or understanding the announcements should notify the operator for assistance. Bus operators will call out transfer points and passenger requested stops.
安全及优先座位 所有RTD车辆 have priority/securement seating areas for seniors and persons with disabilities. 我们所有的车都有两个安全区域. Our staff is trained to assist customers find a seat upon request. 如果所有优先/固定座位已被占用, and a customer using a mobility device is waiting to board, operators must ask customers occupying the securement area to relocate. 乘客应该给老年人和残疾人让座,但不能强迫他们移动. 运营商将要求使用不需要安全保护的移动设备的客户重新安置需要安全保护的设备. Operators should offer to assist in finding another seat, if necessary. Please note: If customers are not willing to move from priority/ securement seating, RTD员工不能强迫他们这样做. 如果没有优先座位, staff will assist the customer in finding another seat when possible.
Bus Wheelchair Securement Area and Priority Seating Policy
个人护理人员Personal care attendants, aides, or trainers accompanying customers with disabilities ride free. Customer should inform operator after paying, they are traveling with an aide. 不需要助理提供证明. One transfer or pass will be provided to the paying customer. 助理不会收到额外的转会费.
服务的动物RTD welcomes service animals and their handlers on our services and in our facilities. 服务性动物是任何导盲犬, 信号的狗, or other animal individually trained to work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. 服务性动物必须在其训导员的指挥下,必须坐在地板上或训导员的膝盖上.
中断和服务警报在电梯故障的情况下, information will be posted online under 服务警报. For personalized notifications sign up for email alerts at receive email notifications. 通过订阅,客户可以选择并接收有关绕行或正常旅行路线服务中断的通知. 访问我们即将到来的服务中断页面.



Per FTA Regulations the following two examples are plausible reasonable modification requests.

固定航线服务, 乘客要求司机将车辆定位,以避免妨碍乘客在指定的停车地点进出车辆的障碍物, 比如停着的车, 雪堆, 和建筑, 只要车辆避开障碍物的位置不构成直接威胁,就应该给予许可吗. 被授予, 这样的要求应导致车辆在合理接近指定停车地点的地方停车. 交通运输机构不需要在非指定地点接送残疾乘客. Fixed route operators would not have to establish flag stop or route-deviation policies, 因为这将是对固定路线系统的根本改变,而不是对系统的合理修改. 同样的, subject to the limitations discussed in the introduction to this appendix, 辅助交通运营商应灵活设置上下车点,以避免堵塞.

旅客对过境人员的要求(如.g., 司机, 当残疾旅客无法以一般的方式缴付车费时,应给予残疾旅客以固定路线或辅助客运服务(例如.g., in a situation where a bus passenger cannot reach or insert a fare into the fare box). 运输人员不需要把手伸进口袋或背包来提取票价媒体.


If you are dissatisfied with the result of your ADA complaint, you may submit your appeal to RTD’s ADA Manager by completing this online 可填写的上诉表格. 您必须在收到结果或最初提交投诉后的30个日历日内提交上诉, 以较晚的为准. 上诉必须采用书面形式,并陈述所有事实和论据,证明你认为投诉没有得到妥善解决. The ADA Manager will review the complaint and provide a written response within 30 calendar days.

如需另一种提交《冰球突破豪华版试玩》上诉的格式,请联系《冰球突破豪华版试玩》经理加布·克里斯蒂 (电子邮件保护). RTD will retain your complaint, appeal and response for at least one year.

For organizations or businesses outside RTD’s responsibility please contact the U.S. 律政司,网址为 1-800-514-0301.


All RTD Park-N-Rides locations and stations are ADA accessible. 必要的地方有电梯, 还有通往登机平台的坡道, 为安全起见,圆顶被截断, 无障碍停车位和路缘切割. RTD Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) and validators contain braille and have audible announcements.

在电梯故障的情况下, information will be posted online under 服务警报 and at stations. Passengers can sign up to receive email notifications of these outages at the service alerts page.


Every customer has the right to use accessibility equipment at RTD stations and on vehicles. 包括但不限于:

  • 坡道、桥板和升降机
  • 升降机及自动梯
  • 盖茨访问


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